Le MonolithSince the end of the 90’s, Michael Riedel produced work through a cycle of self-sufficient transformation, in which new pieces are born out of previous ones, in an infinite loop of creation. Transformation is the key element of his craft, just like Dom Pérignon secular method of transforming grape into exceptional vintages. Born from a collaborative thinking process with Michael Riedel, the Dom Pérignon P2 Monolith is carved out of marble to celebrate how time transforms the ordinary.
The complex pattern formed by the superposition of the letters D and P reminds the accumulation of years necessary to reach the Seconde Plénitude, while the contrast between black and white evokes the opposition of light and obscurity, vineyards and caves, both ever-present themes in Dom Pérignon’s universe.
The Dom Pérignon P2 Monolith is a piece of art created in limited edition and only available on demand.